This is your invitation to define & create your inner experience of your outer world.
To embody and enjoy "success" on YOUR terms. Because the thing about YOU is...
Business is actually going well. It's not that you don't know WHAT to do - you're savvy and you know HOW to create business success. That's not the bit.
It's the bit that stops you, holds your back from REALLY OWNING your business decisions.
The overthinking.
The doubt.
The question mark over your worthiness.
That bit.
...And ultimately to recognise that when we honour your unique contribution that you bring in the way that ONLY YOU can, without trying to be 'like them' ... that is when you not only get to experience your success, but actually enjoy yourSELF in it.
You're established in what you do.
And on the OUTSIDE, it likely "looks like" success, but...
You're spending a lot of time (...and possibly money...) looking 'out there' for all the answers, but getting nowhere
Your self doubt causes you to run in circles, second guess yourself & compare - and it's exhausting
You are getting wrapped up in what others think and it's preventing you from taking action
On the outside - life looks great, inside you feel like your version of 'success' looks and feels different now...but don't know how to create it
You feel a bit lost as to where your path might lead
Change feels scary. Fear of failure roars. So you're trapped between where you're at now and where you want to be
You can recognise you have some 'old stories' that keep playing on repeat, and you're ready to let them go ...Let me guide you through this work.
Working 1:1 together is a 4 month commitment of fortnightly sessions (over Zoom) and voice note / text message support in between.
As a 1:1 client, you also get complimentary access to the Inner Work Club.
The cost is £6000 which can be paid in full or in 4 x £1500.
This is a decision to create the change you want.
You can join the waitlist below & be contacted when a space becomes available.